Stork VillageThe course of history have a parallel formation Ispir Leylekköy, Ispir Çermeli Creek district, known as the oldest established in the village in two villages in the old grave stones biridir.Bunu, anlamaktayız.Köy roll remains of a building; Erat, Rope, Weigand, Aries, the Self, Sahbaz, Sahin, Turan, Yaman, Yesilyurt families kayıtlıdır.TarihiCulture
Geography108 km from the province of Erzurum, 42 km from the town Ispir uzaklıktadır.Leylekköy, 40.48 latitude and longitude coordinates of 41 major streams feeding the River alır.Çoruh Çermeli geçmektedir.Köy River in front of the village; Ispir, Erzurum and Bayburt is located in the center of the highway linking. Contained within Leylekköy'ünde Coruh Basin, one of Turkey's most important natural treasures. Of biodiversity by the end of the western Great Caucasus Ekosystem'inin Valley, Ululararası Protection Organization chooses one of the world's 34 hottest point. The rich biodiversity, on the one hand, between the lowest and the highest point found 3000 m'leri altitude, on the other hand is seen in this small area is the result of climate differences. And Yusufeli Ispir between vegetation, moist mixed deciduous forests fundalıklardan, rice fields alpine meadows, a large variety of shows. In short, Coruh Basin, a large number of rare plant and animal species found in the valley. In this region, including rare orchids, iris (Iris) and geranium (Pelargonium) species, including more than 100 endemic or rare species is estimated to be in other regions.Valley, gliding between the Caucasus and Anatolia Region and other migrating birds of prey is very important for migratory birds serves as a highway. Also in the region, which is unique to this region only, or is rare in many bird species. Coruh Valley during the summer of 2005 with some studies that identified 188 species. 81 of these species-specific, while the valley, and then reproducing the valley on its way to the south of the 55 migratory species, where Since any, the valley just to pass the transition point using the 52 species of birds located bulunmuştur.Göçmen Leylekköy to name one of the most important of these migratory birds White Stork (Ciconia Ciconia) from ratings.In addition, another village Leylek'ten basin, Pied Flycatcher, Caucasian Black Grouse, Caucasian Çıvgını, Alamecek, Kelly İskete, Broad Dağbülbülü, Wall Tırmaşıkkuşu, timidity, Alamecek, Kelly İskete, such as the rare Bearded Vulture and Red Vulture or region-specific bird species Leylekköy be observed in and around.Is very important for butterfly diversity and Coruh-Çermeli Ispir Valley, contains two-thirds of species of Turkey.Including Leylekköy'ünün Valley, the International Organization for Conservation (Conservation International (CI)) by the earth's most important and threatened biodiversity hot spots among the 34 listed "The Caucasus Ecoregion" is located inside.ClimateThe climate of the village, i in the domain.Population
The village economy is agriculture and livestock (cattle, and beekeeping) dayalıdır.Ekonom

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